The Effectiveness of Using Suggestopedia Method in Teaching Speaking An Action Research at Grage Tenth of SMA Negeri 1 Kayen Pati in the Academic Year 2010/2011
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Universitas Negeri Semarang
Tri Anggono Sulistiono, 2201407056
PE English 
2015-04-25 04:13:37 
Abstract :
Speaking is considered as the social skill for students, but learning speaking especially in English is not easy. Students should learn speaking through practice without worrying about making mistakes continuously. The objective of this research is to find out the effectiveness of using suggestopedia in teaching speaking. In this suggestopedia method, the students were set free their mind in imagining something and hoped not to worry telling something in their mind with accompanying of music, pictures, and other teaching media. They were asked to enjoy participating the lesson so they easily answered every question given and did every assignment given in a comfortable atmosphere created in classroom. The study is an action research which consists of two cycles. In cycle one, the students were trained to describe something in a short sentence with a simple pattern so they can easily describe something directly. In cycle two, students were asked to describe something in hard pattern. It means that they must describe something in the form of monologue and dialogue in several situations. These cycles would show the improvement of the treatment given to the classroom. The speaking aspects include grammar, vocabulary, comprehension, fluency, pronunciation, and task. To know the effectiveness of using suggestopedia I used tests, questionnaire and doing observation as the instruments. At first, the means of the pre-test is 38.84. Then, the first cycle test means score is 59.73. While the posttest means score is 74.00. Whereas from the questionnaire, it shows that the students were interested in this teaching method. They felt comfortable in attending this classroom and understood the material given easily by the activities. Moreover, based on the observation during the research, the students enjoyed the suggestopedia classroom because they are asked to do some fun activities. Based on the result of the computation I can conclude that suggestopedia is effective to improve students? speaking skill. As a result, students were interested in this method because they can practice English in different way. The English teacher is expected to be creative in initiating the new ideas to teach speaking English. 

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Universitas Negeri Semarang