Universitas Negeri Semarang
Lusi Setianingrum , 2250405002
PE English
2011-11-29 05:14:26
Abstract :
Setianingrum, Lusi. 2010. Prostitution and Social Class Discrimination Reflected in Garry
Marshall?s Pretty Woman. Final Project: English Department, Faculty of Languages and
Arts, Semarang State University. First advisor: Rini Susanti Wulandari, S.S., M.Hum.
Second advisor: Drs.Ahmad Sofwan, Ph.D
Keyword : Prostitution, Social class discrimination.
This final project is based on the study which attempted to examine Prostitution and Social
Class Discrimination Reflected in Garry Marshall?s Pretty Woman. The main purpose of the
study was to find out the factors that cause somebody to become a prostitute, social class
discrimination and its effects in our society that reflected in Pretty Woman film.
The object of this study is the film entitled Pretty Woman directed by Garry Marshall. The
data of this study are in the forms of scenes taken from the video, phrases, sentences, paragraphs,
dialogues in the script and hidden meanings found in the film that are related to the topic. The
data were collected by means of wacthing the film, reading the script, searching, identifying,
inventorying, and classifying.
The results of the study are: Pretty Woman tells about prostitution in Los Angeles but was
reconceptualized into a romantic comedy. In this study we discuss about the factors that cause
the main character to become a prostitute that is economic factors, physiological factors, and
social factors. Another problem that we discuss in this final project report is social class
discrimination that appears in this film such as the differences of getting best services, getting
respect from other and the power of social class. From the discussion of the problems, I found
some effects of social class discrimination reflected in the film that is the existence of social gap
and the positive effect is the attitude and mind set change of some characters that in this film
they become more respectful and better in enjoying their life. From the data analysis, I may
conclude that everything has its own reasons, like the main character in this film; she has her
own reasond why she does prostitution. Second, there is lots of social class discrimination that
happen in our society and its effects have defferent contribution to every people.
Based on the results of the study, some suggestions are offered. Firstly, it is for the readers,
especially all English Department students. This study is expected to give motivation for the
readers to learn more about literary works, which is specially related to sociological analysis to
broaden their knowledge. Secondly, I hope that this study can be one of the references for those
who have interest in analyzing literary work especially the one that focuses on similar topic.
Thirdly, I also expect that this film can be used as one of alternative subjects in literary class
because it gives a motivation for the readers to be better and not underestimate others in their
real life