Abstract :
The suitability of prescription writing is the level of suitability of the doctor in
writing prescription drugs for general patients towards the formulary of RSUD dr.
Soehadi Prijonegoro Sragen with a 100% standard as stated in the Ministry of Health SK
guidelines. This study aims to determine the level of suitability of the doctor's
prescription for the drug formulary for general patients in the Pharmacy Installation of
RSUD dr. Soehadi Prijonegoro Sragen. This research is a descriptive study with a
retrospective method, which is tracking recipes that fit the inclusion and exclusion
criteria. Sampling with Slovin formula, from 1,597 populations obtained 100 samples
with an error rate of 10%. The data obtained are described so that the percentage of
female sex patients is 53% and the majority age group is 41-60 years 44% with the most
diagnosed single disease without concomitant 79%. The percentage of recipe suitability
for hospital formulary is 97%, so the conclusion of this study is the prescription of
doctors in RSUD dr. Soehadi Prijonegoro Sragen is not yet in line with the Ministry of
Health SK guidelines.