Abstract :
Diarrheal disease is a health problem in developing countries like
Indonesia, because morbidity and mortality are still high. Antibiotic therapy is
only used for diarrhea caused by bacteria. This study aims to determine the
percentage of antibiotic use in the Regional Technical Implementation Unit
Wonogiri II Public Health Center in 2017. This study is a retrospective descriptive
method that describes the pattern of prescribing antibiotics in cases of diarrhea in
the Regional Technical Implementation Unit Wonogiri II Public Health Center. Samples taken were 210 prescriptions taken from data in Puskesmas Management
Information System. The results showed the greatest usage was the combination
of Cotrimoxazole and Metronidazol by 58.57%, Cotrimoxazole 31.9%,
Metronidazol 7.62%, and Amoxicillin 1.9%.