Abstract :
The high number of people with hypertension must be dealt with seriously, not only
from medical personnel but also from within the patient. Consistent and maintaining
medication compliance is very important for the success of therapy to maintain
blood pressure. Problems regarding the low compliance of treatment can be
overcome by finding the trigger factors so that the right solution can be found.
Based on data in Jurangombo Public Health Center Magelang, the number of
hypertensive patients in 2018 was 748 patients with 88 patients including active selfexamination at the Puskesmas. The purpose of this study was to determine the
treatment in taking antihypertensive drugs in Jurangombo Community Health
Center, Magelang City March - April 2019 Period The design used in this study is
descriptive research. by using a prospective approach. Sampling uses purposive
sampling method. Compliance with taking antihypertensive drugs was measured
using the MMAS-8 (Morisky Medication Adherence Scale) method which consisted
of 8 questions. The results of adherence used of anti-hypertension drugs at
Jurangombo Health Center is 45,7%.
Keywords: Hypertension, Compliance,