Abstract :
Recipes are written requests from doctors, dentists, veterinarians to the
pharmacy manager pharmacist to provide and deliver drugs for the patient in
accordance with applicable laws and regulations. In accordance with Regulation
Indonesian Health minister Number 72 on 2016 on Pharmacy Service Standard in
Hospital, Pharmacists shall conduct a 3-part prescription review of administrative
requirements, pharmaceutical requirements and clinical requirements that enter
the service depo to ensure patient safety in drug delivery and medication error.
This study aims to find out the description of the evaluation of administrative
completeness of outpatient prescriptions in RSUD Ir. Soekarno District Sukoharjo
period 2017. The research is a non experimental research using observational
method and the design of this study using cross sectional which is descriptive. The
data are presented in tabular form and analyzed using Permenkes guidance No. 35
year 2014. The result of evaluation of the prescribed administrative preservation is
88,60% fulfilled and 11,40% have not been fulfilled so that there is still potential
for medication error because according to Hospital Minimal Service Standard in
2008 medication error rate of 0%.