Abstract :
The lifestyle of Indonesian society today is very changed, one of the lifestyle
changes that occur that is dietary changes. One plant that has the property as
antikolesterol is the green apple skin. The aim of this research is to know the
potency of anticolesterol extract of apple green skin and to know at concentration
how many green apple skin extract reach EC50 (Effective Concentration). Method
of extraction used is maseration method by using 70% ethanol solvent.
Cholesterol concentration analysis was performed using Lieberman-Burchard
method. Green apple skin extracts each made a series of concentrations of 35
ppm, 70 ppm, 105 ppm, 140 ppm and 175 ppm. The results showed the
percentage of decrease in cholesterol levels after administration of apple skin
extract green consecutive at 21.5992%; 31.7937%; 40.7271%; 50.4152%; and
64.3826%. EC50 is achieved at concentrations of 132.601 ppm.