Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Nasional
Tiana, Dwi Andharizky Endrastyana
RN Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Mathematics
2020-12-23 02:50:49
Abstract :
Mercury is a systemic poison and can accumulate in the liver (liver),
kidneys, spleen or bone. Mercury levels required by Decree of Minister of Health
RI No: 55 / Menkes / SK / I / 2000 and Regulation of Head of BPOM RI. 12 of
2014 on Traditional Medicinal Quality Requirements is ? 0.5 ppm. . This study
aims to determine the levels of mercury contained in sarang semut extract
(Myrmecodia pendans) fraction of water / n-butanol.Water fraction of sarang
semut extract (Myrmecodia pendans) can suppress tumor cell proliferation. The
mercury content was analyzed using a UV-Visible Spectrophotometer with
rhodamine B reagent as a compound. The result showed that the average mercury
content of sarang semut extract (Myrmecodia pendans) of water / n-butanol was
29,4031 ppm with% KV 0,34%. Metal contamination of mercury in sarang semut
extract (Myrmecodia pendans) does not meet the requirements of traditional
medicinal plants.