Abstract :
Pharmaceutical care of hospitality is one of part pharmaceutical service
system for patient-oriented, good quality drug, including clinical pharmaceutical,
which could be reaching of peoples. The aim of experiment is to gain descriptive
conditional of consumtion antibiotic drug to pharmaceutical care of patient using
ABC analytic method on Ir. Soekarno Hospital at Januari ? Desember 2017. This
experiment is kind of descriptive experimental using quantity data. Data was
retrived from BPJS?s prescriptions that contain antibiotic drugs during 2017. The
data involved quantity of drug needed of antibiotic by year 2017. Price of these
drug based on forkit (formularium rumah sakit) that issue by hospital. Data was
analysed using ABC consumtion method and using Microsoft Excel 2016. The
resulf of ABC consumption method in category of A 15 items (69,21% of the
budget), antibiotic drugs include category of B is 16 items (20,03% of the budget),
and there was antibiotic drugs into category of C 101 items (10,76% of the