Abstract :
Pharmaceutical warehouse is a technical implementing unit that has the
function and role of carrying out all aspects of public drug management and
medical supplies including planning, procurement, storage, distribution, recording
and reporting, monitoring, supervision and evaluation.This study aims to
determine the storage of drugs in UPTD Pharmaceutical Warehouse Sukoharjo
District Health Office based on quality standards. This research includes
descriptive research with observational design. Sampling is done by saturated
sample technique that is all the object of research used as sample.The results of
the study indicate that there is still room arrangement that has not been done,
among others, providing a special room for combustible substances, the
preparation of drug stock has not included the name of each drug. Recording and
stock card have been done and for the observation of the quality of the drug is
done organoleptik. This study concludes that the storage of drugs in the regional
technical unit (UPTD) Pharmacy Warehouse Sukoharjo District in 2018 has not
met the good quality standards.