Abstract :
Drug storage is the safeguard activity of the drugs received to be safe,
avoid physical or chemical damage and the quality is guaranteed (DEPKES,
2004). The drug storage system includes the FEFO method, the FIFO
method, Alphabetical Based on the Type of Drug, Based on the Dosage
Form, and on the basis of efficacy (PERMENKES, 2014). This study aims
to know the drug storage system in the medicine warehouse RSUD Ir.
Soekarno Sukoharjo used observational and evaluation methods. The data
obtained in the form of primary data is the results of observations and
interviews and data sekuder form of existing data such as documentary
record. The data were then descriptive so that the results obtained that the
drug storage system in RSUD Ir. Soekarno has met PERMENKES 2014
Percentage of drug storage conformity in RSUD Ir. Soekarno Sukoharjo
based on FEFO method, FIFO method and alphabetical order on tablet
98,68%, injection 97,95%, syrup 94,55%, infusion 94%, and for all BMHP
storage is 100% according to standard .