Abstract :
Most of the diseases begin with an excessive oxidation reaction in the
body. The reactivity of free radicals can be inhibited by antioxidant systems.
Plants that can be used as an compound antiradical is spinach leaf and the ettuce
have a flavonoid compounds that can be used as antioxidant. This study was
conducted to determine antiradical DPPH (1,1 diphenyl-2-Picrilhidrazyl) activity
of the combination of spinach leaf extract and lettuce extract of in compotition 0:
1, 1: 0, 1: 2, and 2: 1. The methode extraction by maceration with 96% ethanol.
The resultsof antiradical DPPH activity test showed that the combination has
better than singular. The value of IC50 combination 1: 0 0: 1 1: 2 and 2: 1 are
409,7208 ppm, 297,9908 ppm, 269,7271 ppm, 273,510 ppm, respectively