Abstract :
Chilli sauce is one of the additional food ingredients used to enhance food taste.
Chilli sauce can be contamined by mold and microbes. Chilli sauce is widely used by
street food maker around schools to adorn the food?s appearance. The presence of mold
and microbes in food can lead to decrease in quality. The purpose of this research is to
determine mold/yeast total and microbes total on chilli sauce used by street food maker
around schools in Banyudono District, Boyolali. The type of this research is descriptive.
This research used quota sampling method which were 6 samples of chilli sauce.
Mold/yeast total and microbes total are checked by pour plate method. The number of
yeast count on the fifth day incubation and first day incobation for microbes total. The
data obtained are analyzed in comparison with the standart descriptive with SNI 01-
2976-2006. Based on the result of the research, all samples of chilli sauce that is used by
street food maker around schools in Banyudono District, Boyolali, exceeded SNI 01-
2976-2006 figures mold/yeast i.e 5x101
colonies/g and the total microbes i.e