Abstract :
Hyperlipidemia contributes to high morbidity and mortality because
hyperlipidemia is one of the causes of circulatory system disease, namely
Coronary Heart Disease (CHD). The purpose of this study was to conduct a
systematic review of the use of cholesterol-lowering herbs against changes in
cholesterol levels based on the results of several scientific articles. Cholesterollowering herbal medicine uses single or combination herbal medicine consisting
of Dutch teak leaves, Chinese teak leaves, tempuyung leaves, green tea leaves,
ginger rhizomes, turmeric rhizomes and meniran herbs.
This research is a systematic review conducted by searching for
scientific articles in the last 10 years on google scholar, pubmed which have been
published in the form of articles, searches started 23-25 June 2020 related to the
effect of using cholesterol-lowering herbs on changes in cholesterol levels in
hypercholesterolemic patients. The scientific articles obtained were carried out by
Critical Appraical using the Joanna Briggs Institute's Critical Appraisal tools for
use in JBI Systematic Reviews.
The results of a systematic review of 4 articles that have been published,
with the provision of herbal medicine with the main ingredient, namely Dutch
teak leaves, show that the use of cholesterol-lowering herbs has an effect on
changes in cholesterol levels in hypercholesterolemic patients.