Abstract :
Background : The cause of infectious diseases that occur in humans,
especially in people living in countries that have tropical climates, is caused by a
fungus called mycosis. One of the mycoses that has the highest incidence is
Candidiasis which is caused by a fungus of the genus Candida. Diabetes Mellitus
is one of the causes of Candidiasis. Purpose: to evaluate the case description of
Candidiasis in Diabetes Mellitus patients with Methylene Blue staining and
Lactophenol Cotton Blue staining.
Method : This study used a literature study method with data sources derived
from a reference collection containing a description of cases of candidiasis in people
with Diabetes Mellitus. Data analysis was performed descriptively to get an
overview of cases of candidiasis in patients with Diabetes Mellitus. Results and
Conclusions: 80.6% of cases of Candidiasis were caused by having Diabetes
Mellitus. Identification by using Methylene Blue staining gave the result that the
fungus was blue with the visible morphology of the fungus were blastospores and
pseudohypha. dye. Whereas the LPCB staining gave a blue color and the
morphology of the fungi seen were blastospores, pseudohifa, and chlamydospores.
The most common species found was Candida albicans with a percentage of
48.9%. Another species found is Candida glabrata, Candida tropicalis, and
Candida parapsilosis.