Abstract :
The best tissue preparations that are able to describe the condition of cells or tissues
as they were still in the body. In the process of making histological tissue
preparations, xylol is a solution that is often used in routine histology laboratories
in the clearing process, but xylol is a flammable and colorless liquid, dissolved with
some organic solvents and paraffin wax. Therefore, clove oil is used as a substitute
for xylol. Clove oil is a class of hydrocarbon compounds and contains of essential
oils. Clove oil has similar properties to xylol. It is safer, non-flammable and
minimal in toxicity.The purpose of this study was to determine the potential of clove
oil as an alternative agent for the clearing process.This research is experimental and
divided into two groups namely xylol and clove oil. Each group amounted to 16
preparations. Rat liver tissue preparations were observed macroscopically.The
results of measuring the quality of preparations descriptively showed the same
results in both groups. The results of differences in xylol groups and clove oil which
were statistically tested by the Mann Whitney test on each parameter showed a
value of P <0.05. From these results, it can be concluded that clove oil can be used
as an alternative medium to replace xylol solution.