Abstract :
Worms are a collection of symptoms of health problems caused by
worm parasites in the body. This disease is transmitted through soil called Soil
Transmitted Helminth. The species of the Helminth group are Ascaris
lumbricoides, Necator americanus, Ancyostoma duodenale and Trichuris
trichiura. Worm infections can cause chronic blood loss, if pregnant women get
worm infections can cause anemia or worsen existing anemia.This study aims
determine the presence or absence of worm eggs and type of worm eggs in the
feces of pregnant with anemia.
Sampling was done by purposive sampling, namely pregnant with
hemoglobin levels < 11 gr/dl and willing to be respondents. This research was
conducted in the RSIA ?Aisyiyah Klaten laboratory using the direct methode. On
the slide, one drop of lugol 1% solution was added with one drop of stool sample,
homogenized with a stirring rod and covered with deckglass, then microscopically
examinated. The obtained data were analyzed descriptively.
Stool samples used are single samples taken once in one day and taken
from the first defecation after waking up. Stool samples from each respondent
were duplo. The results showed no worm eggs were found in the feces of all
respondents using the direct method.
Most respondents who are anemic aged 20-35 years, primigravida,
gestational age in the third trimester. Most respondents experienced mild anemia
and all respondents did not experience worm infections.Most respondents have
adopted a clean and healthy lifestyle so that it can reduce the risk factors for worm