Abstract :
Sleep is one of the basic human needs, so that if sleep is disturbed it can
experience poor sleep quality. Poor sleep quality is experienced by manyworkers
shift night. This results in changes in circadian rhythms which cause changes in
the values of neutrophils, lymphocytes, and monocytes due to increased cortisol.
This study aims to determine whether there is a relationship between sleep quality
and differential count of leukocytes inworkers shift.
This literature study study uses descriptive analysis method sourced from text
books, research reports, theses, and scientific journals. Berdasarkan on the
scientific journal, the sample used was venous blood with anticoagulant EDTA.
Samples werecollected before the night shift and the last day after the night shift.
The results of the study the relationship between sleep quality and leukocytes
count on shift workers showed significant differences in the results of leukocyte
counts with the quality of sleep by night shift workers with a sig value of 0,05.
The conclusion from this study is that there is a relationship between sleep
quality and the differential count of leukocytes inworkers shift.