Abstract :
Hypertension is a condition in which blood pressure increases both systolic and
diastolic ? 140/90 mmHg. Compliance with treatment is an important factor in the
continued health of hypertensive patients, because patients who do not adhere to
taking antihypertensive drugs will experience other diseases problems even to death.
Based on data at the Magelang North Health Center the number of hypertensive
patients in 2017 was 955 and in 2018 there were 962 patients. The purpose of this
study was to determine the level of compliance of hypertensive patients in
consuming hypertension drugs at the Magelang North Health Center. The design
used in this study is descriptive research. by using a prospective approach.
Sampling uses purposive sampling method. Compliance with taking antihypertensive
drugs was measured using the MMAS-8 (Morisky Medication Adherence Scale)
method which consisted of 8 questions. The results showed a picture of compliance
with the use of hypertension drugs in hypertensive patients at the Magelang North
Health Center was a high level of compliance 12%, moderate 24% and low 64%