Abstract :
Excessive use of pesticides has an impact on human health and the
environment. Pesticides are chemicals or mixtures of chemicals and other materials
used to control or eliminate plant-disturbing organisms. Pesticides have the
potential to contain poisons that are harmful to the environment and to their users.
Pesticide poisoning can be found by checkingactivity cholinesterase in the
blood. Organophosphate insecticide inhibits the action of the enzyme
cholinesterase. One of the factors influencing the incidence of pesticide poisoning
is the work period.
This research study of literature uses a descriptive analysis method sourced
from textbooks, thesis research reports, and scientific journals in the last 10 years.
The results of a review of research conducted to determine levels of the enzyme
cholinesterase, the most inspection method uses serum rather than blood cells.
The results based on a review of literature done, get the conclusion that the
length of service affect the levels of the enzyme cholinesterase farmer users
organophosphate pesticides where the longer service life of the levels of the enzyme
cholinesterase in farmers decreased