Abstract :
Infectious diseases are among the main health problems in Indonesia
caused by bacteria. Antibiotics are drugs that are very necessary to treat
bacterial infections. The high use of antibiotics can pose a global threat to health,
because irrational use of antibiotics will cause bacterial resistance to antibiotics.
This study aims to describe the level of knowledge of patients about antibiotics at
Magersari Health Center Magelang City in March 2019.
This type of research is quantitative descriptive research, and the
population in this study were all patients who visited Magersari Health Center
Magelang City and received antibiotic therapy from doctors during March 2019.
The sampling technique was done by non probability sampling using saturated
sampling. The instrument of this study used a questionnaire related to knowledge
of antibiotics. Data analysis techniques were carried out descriptively.
The results showed that the highest age at Magersari Health Center
ranged from 26-35 years (26.3%), with the majority being female (72.2%). The
level of education with the highest number is graduating from high school
(42.8%). The most frequent diagnosis of the respondent's infection was
pharyngitis (22.5%). The type of antibiotic that most patients received was
amoxicillin (82.7%). The description of the patient's level of knowledge about
antibiotics at Magersari Health Center in Magelang City includes, good level of
knowledge 48.1%; enough 27.8%; and less 24.1%.