Abstract :
Total cholesterol is the amount of cholesterol carried in all blood cholesterol
carrying particles. Cholesterol is the yellow fat that resembles a candle that is
important in the body, if many amount of cholesterol will cause problems for the
body. Total cholesterol synthesized in the liver that has functioning in the body as
a source of energy, hormonal formation, and vitamins. Excessive total cholesterol
can lead to coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, and stroke. So, the
purpose of this research is to know the total amount of cholesterol levels in
Danukusuman?s cadres.
This research is a descriptive study with 33 PKK Danukusuman?s cadres of
blood samples that have signed informed consent. The sampling technique used is
total sampling. The total cholesterol levels in this blood sample were examined
with the photometer Clima Mc15.
The results of this study indicated that from 33 blood samples were examined the
results of total cholesterol levels in PKK Danukusuman?s cadres which is more
than normal as much as 29 respondents and within normal limit is 4 respondents.
Where respondents with an age of more than 55 years have a risk of 1.06 times
experiencing an increase in total cholesterol levels than an age of less than 55
years, a person who has a body mass index (bmi) 25.0 - 29.9 has a risk of 4
experiencing an increase in cholesterol levels total than those who have a body
mass index (bmi) of 18.5 - 22.9, and menopause have a risk of 2.3 times the
increase in total cholesterol levels then to those who have not yet menopause.