Abstract :
Trichophyton sp. is a keratophilic filamentous fungus that has the ability to
attack keratin tissue. Trichophyton sp. entered into the class of dermatophyte
fungi, with disease called dermatophytosis. Dermatophytosis can occur in workers
with damp foot conditions such as farmers, car and motorcycle washers, members
of the Mobile Brigade, members of the police, fishermen, garbage collectors and
This study aims to determine the spread, percentages and factors that cause
the existence of Trichophyton sp. in workers with often moist feet. This research
method uses literature study data on workers as farmers, rubber tappers, civil
service police unit, motorcycle / car steam washers, and janitors.
The percentage of the results from the existence of Trichophyton sp. in
workers based on analysis research data obtained the highest result on civil
service police unit (53,34%) and the lowest result on rubber tapper (17%). Factors
that cause the existence of Trichophyton sp. on workers feet, namely temperature,
foot humidity, lack of maintaining foot hygiene after contact with soil, wear shoes
too long.
Researchers concluded that the average presence of Trichophyton sp. 32%
of workers are farmers, rubber tappers, municipal police, car / motorcycle steam
washers and cleaning workers. Factors that cause the existence of Trichophyton
sp. in workers namely foot moisture and lack of maintaining foot hygiene.