Abstract :
Diabetes mellitus is a group of metabolic diseases with characteristics of
hyperglycemia that occur due to abnormal insulin secretions, and the cases always
increase every year. Compliance is very important especially in long-term
treatment in order to achieve successful therapy. In managing the disease, the role
of the patient becomes very important, especially in terms of improving adherence
to undergoing therapy in order to achieve optimal blood glucose levels to prevent
more severe complications . Objective This study aims to describe the level of
adherence to the use of diabetes drugs in patients with Type II diabetes mellitus in
the Cangkrep Health Center. This type of research is observational using
descriptive method. Sampling using total sampling technique with a sample size
of 85 patients. The instrument for collecting primary data using the Morisky
Medication Adherence Scale 8 items (MMAS-8) questionnaire to see the level of
adherence of patients with diabetes mellitus. The level of adherence to the use of
diabetes medication in diabetic mellitus patients at the Cangkrep Health Center in
Purworejo Regency was 12.9%, which was said to be "Low Compliance", 30.6%
said "Moderate Compliance", and 56.6% said "High Compliance".