Abstract :
Dyslipidemia is a disorder of fat metabolism characterized by high levels
of total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, triglycerides and a decrease in HDLcholesterol levels. Laboratory tests play an important role in establishing the
diagnosis in the management of dyslipidemia. LDL-cholesterol levels become one
of the key targets in the treatment of dyslipidemia, measurement of LDLcholesterol levels can be determined using direct and indirect methods. There are
various methods of examining LDL-cholesterol, including the direct method
(homogeneous assay) and the indirect method (friedewald formula), each method
of the examination has advantages and disadvantages. The purpose of this
scientific papers is to find out whether there are differences in the results of LDLcholesterol examination using the direct method (homogeneous assay) and the
indirect method (friedewald formula).
The research method used in scientific papers is the study of literature, that
is by collecting data sourced from scientific journals as well as the results of preexisting researchthe results within the last 10 years.
Based on the results of literature studies that have been conducted by
researchers using descriptive statistics, the results obtained from four scientific
sources state that there are significant differences in the results of examining
LDL-cholesterol by the direct method (homogeneous assay) and the indirect
method (friedewald formula).
After analyzing, it can be concluded that there is a significant difference in
the examination of LDL-cholesterol levels using the direct method (homogeneous
assay) and the indirect method (friedewald formula).