Abstract :
Conjunctivitis is inflammation of the conjunctiva. One of the most
common bacterial causes of conjunctivitis is Staphylococcus aureus. Hippobroma
longiflora is widely used by traditional people to treat eye disorders such as
conjunctivitis because it has antimicrobial substances such as flavonoids,
saponins, and alkaloids. This study aims to determine the radical zone that can
form from the decoction of H. longiflora leaves on the growth of S. aureus.
This research method is experimental descriptive. The sampling technique
used is quota sampling. Antibacterial activity test uses the Kirby Bauer disc
diffusion method.
Phytochemical test results show that H. longiflora contains flavonoids,
saponins, and alkaloids. The study used a negative control of sterile aquades and
positive control of chloramphenicol 30 µg. The results obtained formed radical
zones from each variation of 20% concentration of 6.18 mm; 40% of 6.23 mm;
60% of 6.68 mm; 80% of 7.20 mm; and 100% of 8.18 mm. H. longiflora leaves
decoction can inhibit the growth of S. aureus with a large zone that increases with
increasing concentrations. This shows that the greater concentration of H.
longiflora leaf decoction will be directly proportional to the increase in inhibitory
activity, but not as optimal as positive control.
Based on research conducted, it can be concluded that H. longiflora leaves
decoction can be used to inhibit the growth of S. aureus. H. longiflora leaves
decoction can also be used as an alternative medicine for conjunctivitis.