Abstract :
Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) is a part of complete hematology?s
examination. ESR examination relatively insensitive and specific because
influenced by physiological and technical factors that cause inaccurate result.
One of techninal factors that affects the ESR examination is the tilt. 3° tilt can
caused 30% error. Although any tilts can cause some errors, but the manual
tilting method is still used by laboratories, hospitals, and public health centers.
Until now, the ESR 45° position within 7 minutes doesn?t have any clear
references and has been no conformity report with the 90° position within 1 hour.
This research was purposed to determine the comparison of ESR value that was
done in 90° position within 1 hour and 45° position within 7 minutes.
The method that was used in this research was experimental analytics,
which was using total sampling technique. The subjects of this research were all
of Prodia Clinical Laboratory?s employees of Wonogiri and Pacitan Branch
Office, which were 30 samples. The data analysis technique that was used in this
research was paired sample T test.
The research results show that 28 datas (93,3%) prove that the result of ESR
using Westergreen method in 45° position within 7 minutes creates higher result
than the other one using 90° position in 1 hour, while 2 datas (6.6%) prove the
opposite results. The average value of ESR that was done in 90° position within 1
hour is 14.97 mm/hour with the deviation standard is 6.223, while the average
value that was done in 45° position is 19,2 with the deviation standard is 7,364
and the p value (significance) is 0,000 (? 0.005).
From this research, can be concluded that there is significant difference
between the ESR in Westergreen method that is done in 90° position within 1 hour
compared with 45° position within 7 minutes