Abstract :
Water is the main need for life. The need for water in an area will tend to
increase with population growth. In the current era the fulfillment of people's
drinking water needs varies greatly. In big cities, in terms of meeting the needs of
drinking water the community also consumes Bottled Drinking Water (AMDK)
because it is practical and is considered to be more hygienic. However, over time
the community feels that bottled water is getting more expensive, so that there is
an alternative that is drinking water produced by DAMIU (Refill Drinking Water
This study uses literature study research. The data used are secondary data
obtained from the results of research showing the value of the MPN (Most
Probable Number Test) Coliform on DAMIU (Refill Drinking Water Station).
The sample used was refill drinking water. The data obtained were then analyzed
using descriptive analysis.
The results of reviews from three scientific journals Total Value of MPN
Coliform on DAMIU (Refill Drinking Water Station) reached 55.27% did not
meet the requirements and contained Coliform bacteria.
Based on the Total Value of MPN Coliform and bacteria contained in the
DAMIU (Refill Drinking Water Station) the refilled drinking water is not suitable
for consumption and still requires a standard quality test in order to meet the
established quality standards.