Abstract :
Effective drug management and BMHP (Medical Materials
Consumables) need to be done to prevent the occurrence of stock out, over-stock
which results in the drug and BMHP reaching an expride date. To find out the
description of drug use and BMHP so that it can anticipate the occurrence of stock
outs, over-stock, and expedited dates in RSUD dr. Soehadi Prijonegoro Sragen
especially in the Sental Surgery Installation during 2018. This study uses a
retrospective non-analytic descriptive approach using drug use data and BMHP in
2018. ABC analysis shows the number of groups C 53.87%, FSN analysis with
Fast Moving (F) group at 12.26%, and the VEN analysis had 66.28% in group V.
The description of drug supplies and BMHP with a combination of ABC-FSNVEN showed a picture of drugs and BMHP most included in the CSV category
with 92 items (35.25% ) and the lowest is 1 item AFN category (0.38%). The
conclusion of this study is that the ABC analysis shows that the most logistical
features available at the Pharmacy Depot are group C, which is 53.87% or 182
items. The VEN analysis shows that drugs and BMHP are mostly categorized as
V (66.28% or 173). item. FSN analysis showed that the drug and BMHP entered
in fast moving were 12.26% or 32 items