Abstract :
Uric acid is the final product of the purine metabolism which is a form
of nucleoprotein derived from foodstuffs (exogenous) and results of the breakdown
of nucleic acid purine in the body (endogenous). Uric acid is the most painful joint
pain that affects the population in Indonesia in addition to osteoarthritis. The
prevalence of joint diseases diagnosed by the doctor at the age of more than 15
years Surakarta is 4.96% of the total weighted 1,069 people. Increased prevalence
of hiperurisemia is associated with gender risk factors, age, high intake of purine,
and obesity. The purpose of this research is to know the characteristics of the risk
factors to increase uric acid levels in PKK Danukusuman?s cadres.
This research is a type of descriptive research. The research time was conducted in
November-December 2019. 33 samples were taken with a total sampling technique.
Uric acid screening uses the method of photometric therapy of enzymatic TBHBA
(2, 4, 6-Tribromo-3-Hydroksybenzoic acid) with PHOTOMETER RAL Clima-15.
The study found as much as 87.8% of the respondent's uric acid levels in normal
limits and 12.1% more than normal. Age > 55 years have a risk of increased levels
3.36 times, menopause has a risk of increased levels 1.30 times, obesity Type 1 has
a risk of increasing levels of 1.85 times, daily purin consumption has a risk of
increasing levels of 0.92 times.