Abstract :
One of the cause of non-optimal treatment is patient non compliance. The
purpose of this study is to determine the relationship of adherence to the use of
oral antidiabetic drugs with successful therapy in patients with type II diabetes
mellitus in Sukoharjo health centers. The type of research used was observational
research with a cross sectional approach. Sampling using purposive sampling
technique with a number of respondents as many as 90 respondents.Primary data
collection instruments using the MMAS (Morisky Medication Adherence Scale)
questionnaire and the patient?s medical record result of blood sugar levels. The
result of this study found that respondents who had a high level of adherence as
much as 8,9%, respondents with moderate compliance levels as much as 70%, and
respondents with a low level of level of compliance as much as 19%. Obtained by
respondendents with the success of therapy in consuming drugs as much as
22,2%. While the rest, amounting to 77,8%, is said to be unsuccessful. The results
of the statistical test are that there is no mutually significant relationship between
the level of adherence to the use of oral antidiabetic drugs and the succes of