Abstract :
Coronary heart disease (CHD) is a disease caused by a buildup of cholesterol
plaque. Coronary heart disease is the leading cause of death in both developed and
developing countries. Various factors including high fat food intake, lack of
exercise, obesity, and menopause can cause an increase in cholesterol levels. This
study aims to determine total cholesterol levels before and after the administration
of white oyster mushrooms to PKK cadres in Danukusuman Village..
This type of research is an experimental analytic with the Pretest and Postest
without Control approach. The cholesterol examination method used is CHODPAP (Cholesterol Oxidase - Aminoantypirin Peroxidase). Using a photometer
RAL Clima MC-15. The time of the study will be from November 2019 to May
Data were analyzed using a computer with Statistical Product and Service
Solution (SPSS) 16. Hypothesis testing used was Mann-withney. The results of
the research analysis showed significant results with a significance value (p),
namely 0,000 ? = 0.05. So it can be concluded that there is an influence of total
cholesterol levels before and after the administration of white oyster mushroom
(Pleurotus ostreatus) to the PKK cadres of Danukusuman village.