Abstract :
Water is a very important component in life, such as its use as drinking water.
Drinking water that is used by the community or food traders is clean water whose
quality must meet the requirements for consumption either directly drunk or cooked
first. The high cases of diarrhea in Padang City can be triggered by the use of unclean
drinking water. The purpose of this study was to identify the presence of contamination
by coliform bacteria in water sources in the city of Padang.
Scientific Writing using this Literature Study by analyzing data from various
journals that have been determined. Samples are used from several water samples with
types of samples including drinking water restaurant, Ice tea, Well Water, Water
The results of the Literature Study show that identification of coliform bacteria
as pollutants using water samples in the city of Padang obtained 4 research data with
a total of 63 samples and 57 positive samples of coliform bacteria, the species found
were Escherichia coli, Klebsiella sp., Enterobacter sp. and from the research data
obtained, almost the entire sample does not meet the microbiological requirements
so it is not suitable for consumption.