Abstract :
Artificial sweeteners are used to add sweetness to food and drinks. One type of
sweetener that is often used is cyclamate. Cyclamate sweetener has a sweetness level
30x than sucrose sweetener and has a low price, so cyclamate sweetener is often used.
The level of cyclamate use is regulated in ADI (Acceptable Daily Intake) and the
recommended maximum level is 11 mg / kg body weight in a day if it exceeds the
limit, it will be harmful to health.
This type of research is analytic research with quota sampling.25 bubble drink
samples were obtained from bubble drink sellers in 5 sub-districts in the city of
Surakarta. The purpose of this research was to determine the existence of qualitative
cyclamate artificial sweeteners in bubble drinks sold in the city of Surakarta using
rapid tests.
Qualitative test results using cyclamate rapid test kits obtained negative results on
25 samples examined.
A total of 25 bubble drink samples sale in 5 sub-districts in the city of Surakarta
do not contain cyclamate sweeteners.