Abstract :
Tea is a beverage that is often consumed by people in Indonesia.
Indonesian people in general consume tea 2 times a day in the morning and
evening In the tea there is an oxalate content. Oxalate crystals in the body when
excessive levels are excreted by the body through urine.
This research is a descriptive study aimed at women tea drinkers in the
village and sugarcane with the aim to determine calcium oxalate levels in women
tea drinkers. The sampling technique used for this study is a simple random
sample technique with a population of 33 female tea drinkers.
The results of this study showed that there were at most 23.3% urinary
sediment calcium oxalate crystals at the consumption level of 2 glasses per day
and at the most 46.7% at the frequency of consuming tea twice a day. Tea that is
often consumed in this study is black tea.