Abstract :
Saccharin is a chemical compound that is added for the purpose of
processed food products. The sweetness level of saccharin is 200-500 times
compared to sucrose. Saccharin in excessive doses can accumulate and cause health
problems. This Scientific Paper aims to determine the presence of saccharin content
and percentages in unbranded and branded beverages sold around the community
and to know saccharin levels in samples according to the recommended limits of
SNI 01-6993-2004.
The research method was used is the study literature. This study used
secondary data collection taken from scientific journals and scientific papers. The
data analysis technique was used is descriptive analysis method.
Results of the qualitative resorcinol test showed 11 samples of unbranded
beveragesand 5 samples of branded beverages were positive saccharin with the
formation of green fluorescence. Alkalimetric quantitative tests showed 9 samples
of unbranded beverages and 1 sample of branded beverages exceeded the SNI
From this Scientific Paper 36% of unbranded beverages 100% of branded
beverages contain saccharine. It was also found that 30% of unbranded beverages
and 20% of branded beverages exceeded the SNI limits