Abstract :
Dengue Fever disease (DBD) is still one of the problems of the health world in
Indonesia. The disease that emerged since the year 1968 has many victims in
various regions and to date. Vector control using many chemical insecticide
materials provides a resistant effect to the insecticide. One option to avoid this is
the presence of natural larvacide. Because of the spread of information that can be
used as the basis for further studies on natural larvacide, it conducts a review of
natural materials that have the potential as a natural larvacide to the mortality of
Aedes aegypti mosquitoes and their contents.
The Research method used is a type of research literature Study. The data needed
in this study were derived from the research results on the effectiveness of natural
materials tests that could be used as natural larvasides for the Mortality Of Aedes
aegypti mosquitoes, natural materials used such As Serai Dapur, Zodia, Tembak,
Daun Sirih, Akar wangi, Ceremai, Daun Dewa, Jinten, Rimpang Kunyit, Legundi,
Daun Rosemary, Karika, Pohon tanjung, Alpinia conchigera rhizomes, Eucalyptus
camaldulensis.The Data obtained is analyzed using a description analysis.
Based on the search results of the library obtained information that 80% of 15
types of plants have a level of the toxicity of the extract of the above ? 1000 ppm
of lemongrass kitchen , zodia, tobacco, tree cape, Betel leaf, legundi, Karika,
turmeric rhizome, leaf rosemary These plants have a high larvacida activity with
different active compounds.
Another result of the search of the library obtained that the most active essential
oil comes from the Zodia plant with a value of LC50 1.6 ppm whereas the tobacco
plant with a value of LC50 3.8 ppm.