Abstract :
Background Problem and Purpose: Stress is a physiological response caused by a
threatening condition that causes adjustment to a situation. Stress can occur when the
tension experienced occurs continuously and is not immediately resolved. Poor
glucose control and stress for a long time can lead to metabolite diseases such as
Diabetes Mellitus. The prevalence of hyperglycemia based on gender, in men was
27.1% while in women was 29.1%, based on age in the 15-34 year group as much as
7.5% in 2017 in Indonesia. This study aims to determine fasting blood glucose levels
against student stress.
Methods: This study is a literature study or literature study. This research used
secondary data type with three data sources from journals and the type of examination
used is fasting blood glucose with enzymatic examination method. Data analysis used
descriptive analysis.
Results: The study from two sources stated that there was no relationship between
blood glucose levels and stress, where the value P > 0.001. And obtained one data
which shows the value of P <0.001 which states there is a relationship between the
two variables.
Conclusion: It can be concluded that the level of blood glucose and stress
experienced by students is not a significant relationship. The higher and the more
frequent the stress experienced by students, the higher the glucose level.