Abstract :
Chili sauce is a food product that is very popular. However, it is important
to question the cleanliness of these foods, considering how the making and selling
of these foods is susceptible to bacterial contamination that can endanger health.
Therefore, research needs to be done to determine the total microbes in chili sauce
that circulate in Surakarta. To find out whether the chili sauce is suitable for
consumption or not from contamination of microorganisms, it is necessary to do a
microbiological test on street vendor chilli sauce (PKL) in Surakarta. This
scientific paper aims to find out the picture of bacteria in the street vendor chilli
sauce (PKL) in Surakarta. This research was conducted at the STIKES National.
This study uses a type of literature study in which data collection uses
secondary data, namely with 3 reference journals. The sample in this study used a
sample of chili sauce on street vendors (PKL) in Surakarta. The data obtained
were analyzed using descriptive analysis.
There is a chilli sauce contaminated by Escherichia coli bacteria that has
MPN Coliform value> 1100 APM / g and ALT that does not meet the
requirements set by BPOM and from the biochemical test results obtained positive
results of the presence of Eschericia coli species in street vendor street chili sauce
(PKL) in Surakarta. Suggestions for completing this research are that further
research is needed to determine the type of bacteria in contaminated peanut sauce