Abstract :
Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a disease that requires a long treatment, even a
lifetime so it requires a large amount of money for its treatment. The variations in
the use of insulin or insulin in oral therapy of type 2 patients cause differences in
the costs and effectiveness of therapies. The purpose of this study is to conduct a
systematic literature review of the effectiveness of the costs of using antidiabetes
insulin and insulin oral combination in diabetes patients mellitus type 2 as a result
of ACER.
This research conducted by methods systematic literature review without
meta-analysis by reviewing scientific articles in the last 10 years from the Google
Scholar, pubmed, Portal Garuda and Science Direct databases that were published
in the form of articles related to the cost-effectiveness analysis of the treatment of
diabetes mellitus type 2 insulin and oral combination insulin.
The results shows the use of the most effective combination of insulin to treat
this inventory is glurs and insulin glargine with a 10,43 value acer, while the most
volatile combination of insulin with oho (a hydrochemical oral medicine) is that of
glargine with metformin with an acer 1207 percentage of therapeutic effectiveness