Abstract :
Diabetic ulcers are chronic infections caused by bacterial, aerobic or
anaerobic infections Escherichia coli ESBL and Proteus mirabilis are bacteria
that are often found to infect diabetic ulcers, and have developed resistance to
antibiotics. Kersen leaves (Muntingia calabura L.) are known to have
antibacterial properties that can be used as an alternative treatment. The purpose
of this study was to prove the inhibition of 96% ethanol extract of cherry leaves
against Escherichia coli ESBL and Proteus mirabilis.
This study used a descriptive experimental design with variations in
concentration, namely 100%, 75%, 50%, 25%. In this study used Gentamycin 10
µg was used as a positive control and DMSO 10% as a negative control. The data
of this study were analyzed using the One Way Anova statistical test to see the
difference in the diameter of the inhibition zone from the negative control namely
DMSO 10% and Gentamycin 10 µg positive control.
The result of this research was that kersen leaf extract with 96% ethanol
solvent was able to inhibit Escherichia coli ESBL bacteria at a concentration of
100% of 13,8 mm with a value of p=0,002 (p<0,05), which means that it is
significantly different from the negative control DMSO 10%. The results of this
research were that kersen leaf extract with 96% ethanol solvent was able to inhibit
Proteus mirabilis bacteria at a concentration of 100% of 15,2 mm with a value of
p=0,000 (p<0,05) which was significantly different from the negative control
DMSO 10%. This value is not equivalent to the positive control Gentamycin 10
µg in Escherichia coli ESBL was 15,66 mm and in Proteus mirabilis was 23,77