Abstract :
Parasites cloves (Dendrophthoe petandra L. Miq) knowing miq owning
amount minimize phytochemical that can be used in traditional medicines, as
flavonoid, terpenoid, tannin, alkaloids and saponin. Is one of a compound the
flavonoid antioxidant that very strong. So as to be easily applied by the compound
as a remedy traditional preparation then made an herbal tea by making use of its
leaves. This study attemps to know the time optimal boiling it to produce the
flavonoid content of an herbal tea leaves parasites cloves and the influence of long
boiling it an herbal tea leaves parasites cloves against total flavonoid content. A
method of spektrofotometri UV-Vis was used in the study with reagent methanol
p.a, alumunium chloride and potassium acetate at wavelengths 439,5 nm and
operating time on 10 minutes. The result of determination of the flavonoid content
of total an herbal tea that is boiled for 5 minutes as much as 8,2436 ± 0,0393 ppm
QE, stew for 10 minutes of 9,0098 ± 0,0340 ppm QE and stew for 15 minutes of
7,2350 ± 0,0299 ppm QE. The comparison with one way anova obtained the result
that there are significant differences between levels total stew flavonoid on 5
minutes, stew 10 minutes and stew 15 minutes.