Abstract :
Hepatitis B infection is caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV). Infection at
birth due to mother-to-child trasmission is the main cause of cronic HBV infection
in Indonesia. HBV infection is still a problem in society due to limited knowledge
about HBV. The aim of this study was to determine the level of knowledge
regarding hepatitis B and several pregnant women?s characteristics who have
relationship with the knowlegde about hepatitis B in Dr. Oen Solo Baru Hospital.
A cross-sectional survey was conducted among pregnant women (n=161) attending
specialist clinic at Dr. Oen Solo Baru Hospital in November 2019. Asessment of
the knowledge was done using questionnare. Chi-square statistical test was done to
find out some variable characteristic of pregnant women who have relationship with
the knowlegde about hepatitis B. The result of this study showed that 83,9% of
pregnant women have a good knowledge about hepatitis B. There was a significant
relationship between age (p= 0,016), education level (p <0,001), income level (p
<0,001), recheiving information about hepatitis B during pregnacy (p= 0,001) with
pregnant women knowledge about hepatitis B. There was no significant relationship
between having family history of HBV infection with the knowledge about hepatitis
B (p= 0,639).