Abstract :
The prevalence of hepatitis in 2013 was 4.3%. Types of Hepatitis that infect many
Indonesian population are Hepatitis B (21.8%), Hepatitis A (19.3%) and
Hepatitis C (2.5%) (Indonesian Ministry of Health, 2018). The high prevalence
and transmission of the Hepatitis B virus in Indonesia causes researchers to be
interested in knowing the level of knowledge of pregnant women against Hepatitis
B. The purpose of this study is to determine the level of knowledge of pregnant
women about Hepatitis B in UPT Puskesmas Gajahan. The research design used
is descriptive research method that is a conducted to describe or describe the
phenomena that occur in the community and explain a situation or situation. In
this study what will be examined is the level of knowledge of pregnant women
about hepatitis B in patients at UPT Puskesmas Gajahan Surakarta. The results of
the study the level of knowledge of pregnant women about Hepatitis B in UPT
Puskesmas Gajahan 78.8% good knowledge level, 17.6% sufficient knowledge
level and 3.5% lack of knowledge level. The level of knowledge of respondents
about Hepatitis B about symptoms and transmission is lacking because
respondents are confused about distinguishing between Hepatitis B and A. The
level of knowledge about understanding Hepatitis B is 98.8% good, about
symptoms 97.27% good, about transmission 81.64%, about risk 90% good, about
prevention 67.7% less (less understanding of Hepatitis A and B