Abstract :
Impaired liver function is usually caused by disorders of the metabolic
system, toxic substances, microbial infections, circulatory disorders and
neoplasms. The purpose of this study was to determine the characteristics of liver
function disorder patients treated at Sarila Husada Sragen General Hospital in
2019 and to know the use of hepatoprotector drugs in these patients. Data
collection was carried out retrospectively through medical records of patients with
impaired liver function. The results showed the number of male patients suffering
from impaired liver function more than the number of female patients. Patients in
the 45-65 years age group dominate cases of liver dysfunction with a percentage
of 32.07%. Curcuma is an oral drug that has a high percentage of 41.7% followed
by hepatin 35.29% and Epatin 23.52%. Conclusions and from this study the
greatest liver function disorder was reactive hepatopathy of 39.62% with the
highest concomitant disease that was DHF of 32% and administration of the
highest hepatoprotector drug that was an oral-oral combination of 33.96%.