Abstract :
A pesticide is a toxic chemical can leave residue in agriculturalproducts.
It has several classes in which one in organophosphate such as chlorpyrifos,
chlorphyrifos is an organophosphate pesticide widely used by farmers.It can cause
poisoning and damage to liver function if used continuously. Celery is one of the
vegetables that contain pesticides. Therefore, this study is intended to find out the
chlorphyrifos pesticides residue levels contained in celery plants. The
determination of pesticide residue levels was carried out by HPLC with the
stationary phase column C18, the movement phase of aquabidest : acetonitril
(50:50) which was flawed at a speed of 0.7 ml/min and detected at a wavelength
of 291 nm. The result obtained by the average levels of chlorphyrifos pesticide
residue is 220. 45 mg/kg with a coefficient of variation 4.5457%. it means
exceeds the Maximum Residue Limit (BMR) of 0.05 mg/kg.