Abstract :
The prevalence of Hepatitis B in Indonesia is very high. Giving hepatitis B
immunization to newborns can increase immunity and reduce the risk of
becoming infected with hepatitis B by about > 96%. According to Ogunlele,
(2017) prevention of any desease is proportional to knowledge, attitude and
practice, hence negligence resulting in the transmission of the disease can be
reduced by good knowledge. The type of research used is the non-experimental
descriptive research. The majority of 160 mothers who visited the obstetric clinic
used a purposive sampling technique. The research instrument uses a
questionnaire that has been tested for its validity and reliability. The result of this
study illustrates most mothers? knowledge about the first stage of hepatitis B
immunization in infants at PKU Muhammadiyah Kartasura Hospital of 160
mothers; among them who had good knowledge were 100 people (62,5%), who
had moderate knowledge were 49 people (30,6%), and those who knew less about
it were 11 people (6.9%).