Abstract :
Rambutan plant is one of the plants that has the potential to be developed
as herbal medicine. Rambutan plant parts that can be used include the leaves.
Rambutan leaves contain flavonoid compounds, saponins, steroids, and tannins.
Flavonoid compounds found in rambutan leaves can act as natural antioxidants.
This study aims to determine the potential of antioxidant activity of rambutan leaf
ethanol extract spectrophotometer UV-Vis. The ethanolic extract were analysed
for their antioxidant activity by phosphomolybdate reduction power method with
spectrophotometer UV-Vis were expressed as mg quersetine equivalent/g. Results
of study showed the antioxidant activity from rambutan leaf ethanolic extract with
levels of 0,30 mg/ml had antioxidant activity that is 250,44 mgQE/gram. This
analysis shows that every 1 gram of ethanol extract from rambutan leaves is
equivalent to 250, 44 mg quersetin.