Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Nasional
Fitriyani, Ida Estiana Dewi
RN Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Mathematics
2021-03-02 03:52:57
Abstract :
Green betel leaf (Piper betle L.) is one of the herbal plants which has
antibacterial power because of the presence of various active substances
contained therein such as essential oils, flavonoids, saponins, and polyphenols.
The content of essential oils of green betel leaf contains 4.2%, most of which
are chavica betel, isomer eugenol allypyrocatechine, chhineol, methyl eugenol
and caryophyllen, kavikol, cavibekol, estragil, terpenin, saponin, and tannins.
Flavonoids in addition to being bacteriostatic also function as antiinflammatory. Amilum manihot is added as a tablet crushing agent to facilitate
the breakage or destruction of tablets because starch can attract water into the
tablet, expand and cause the tablet to break into its parts. In this study aimed to
determine the effect of the concentration of starch destroyer manihot on the
physical properties of tablets and to find out at what concentration of starch
manihot as a destroyer can produce good disintegration. The method used in
this study is the wet granulation method because the active ingredient of the
green betel leaf is flavonoids that cannot withstand temperatures above 50ºC
based on these characteristics, so tablets can be made by wet granulation
method with a temperature of 40-60 ° C. The wet granulation method can
improve the flow properties and compactibility of the material so that it
becomes easier when making tablets. Tablet formulations using amilum
manihot crusher with a concentration of 5%, 10% and 15% are expected to
produce tablets that meet the requirements of tablet weight uniformity test,
tablet size uniformity test, tablet fragility test, tablet hardness test, and tablet
disintegration time test during storage 28 day. Concentration of starch shredder
manihot affect the good disintegration time of tablets at a concentration of 15%
with an average weight uniformity test results of 0.51 ± 0.0362 grams, the
average size uniformity test results of 0.499 ± 0.037, average fragility test
results 0.00%, the average tablet hardness test results were 5.684 ± 1.0294 and
the average results of the crushing time of tablets were 4: 20 ± 0: 30 minutes.