Abstract :
Hepatitis B is a liver infection disease caused by the hepatitis B virus
where this virus can cause acute and chronic diseases. This study aims to
determine the description of drug use in hepatitis B patients hospitalized at Sarila
Husada Sragen General Hospital in 2019. This study is a non-experimental study
conducted retrospectively and analyzed descriptively. Study population 95 sheets
of medical records 75 study samples were taken using non propability sampling
techniques. The sample of this study included: hepatitis B patients who had
complete medical record data containing at least the age, sex, type of health care
guarantee, diagnosis, there were positive HBsAg laboratory results. The results
showed the characteristics of patients by age the most were age 56-65 years 31%,
the characteristics of patients by sex the most were males 57.33%, the
characteristics of patients based on the type of health care insurance the most were
BPJS 53, 33%, the characteristics of patients based on the diagnosis of hepatitis B
with or without other diseases most are with other diseases 100%, the percentage
based on the most widely used drugs are Curcumin 13.56%, ondansentron
13.27%, ranitidine 8.67%, Echinaceae 4.88%, paracetamol and metamizole
respectively 4.61%, spironolactone 3.52%, liver aminophyte 1.63%, lamivudine